DOT Episode 6 with Enlightened Teacher from Dharamshala India
1h 33m
7th Planet Broadcast Episode 018 Decoders of Truth with Special guest from Dharamshala India
(Decoders of Truth Podcast Episode 007)
Gerald Clark, Jay Campbell, Matt LaCroix, and Marleen Reynaert from Dharmshala, India join together in a mind melding discussion of the deepest spiritual matters that affect us all. As Jay would say, this was skull crushing TRUTH direct from the caves of Tibet.
Marleen hails originally from Belgium and landed in Dharmsala, India where she has studied with the Dalai Lama and his students given her home is around the corner from H.H. temple. Thus, Marleen is able to discuss deep Tibetan Buddhist wisdom from her in depth exposure living and studying onsite for over 10 years.
This interview exposes some pragmatic wisdom from someone that has been on a very deep spiritual quest, dragging her out of her cloistered cave where meditation reigns supreme over the chaotic masses caught up in a materialistic samsara state of illusion, which Thoth refers to as our being born into the illusion of materialistic deception or ka.
Marleen tells her story which leads us to the practical things one can do not only in our "spare time" but continuously during our waking conscious hours: as spiritual beings it is all a spiritual path which is indistinguishable from our "daily life".
In essence, when one comes out of the cave full of wisdom obtained through meditation, sharing should naturally follow which you all get a taste of here in this video, Western mind to Western mind direct link to the source. Incredible energy and experience. Pure radiant LIGHT, just look to the eyes for evidence of the activated Chakras summing together by the superposition principle. This is what light shining through one's being looks like from the outside when the Chakras are "tuned" active and operating in phase. This is the pathway to overcome our enslaved state in the simulator versus seeing the term ascension to mean avoiding or trying to escape from the Matrix if you will. The path out of the Matrix is the heroic journey for both men and women available to all.
Breath Experiment at Time 1:01:50
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