"Think not that Man is Earth-Born" Thoth the Atlantean
7th Planet Broadcasting
Excerpt taken from The 7th Planet Mercury Rising page 260 from Emerald Tablet 9: The Key of Freedom of Space. Designed, animated, and narrated by Gerald Clark.
Up Next in 7th Planet Broadcasting
Thoth Disperses KHEM Priests
Thoth and the history of Atlantis with CGI animation of Thoth discussing Emerald Tablet 1 as it relates to the land of Khem (Egypt) Excerpt from my second book "The 7th Planet Mercury Rising" page 165. Designed and produced by Gerald Clark.
Sound Credits: FreeSound.org...
Thoth Declares Building Giza Complex
Excerpt taken from my 7th Planet Mercury Rising book page 167. Emerald Tablet 1: History of Thoth the Atlantean
Gravity Body Academy Overview 7.10.18
This is a an overview of a subset of some of the material that makes up the GBA coursework. The Anatomy and Physiology makes up the first segment and is available as a separate component of the school. The Structural Academy makes up the bulk of the material with 28 videos online now.