• Gerald Clark Premium Content

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    Subscribe and get access to Gerald Clark's videos with PREMIUM CONTENT. Receive exclusive videos that you can download and stream off multiple devices taking wisdom on the go!

  • Gravity Body Academy: Partial Access with Payments

    3 videos  |   Buy $77

    Gravity Body Structural Academy is proud to offer a complete online education to those that want a more modern experience. Christa and Gerald Clark demonstrate the Rolf 10-Series switching roles as client and practitioner. Multiple camera angles as well as good lighting and audio are to be expec...

  • Gravity Body Academy Structural Anatomy 3-Part Series

    6 videos  |   Buy $295

    Imagine leaning a tedious topic like human anatomy in the comfort of your home versus obtaining it the old fashioned way, in an outdated classroom with all the drama that goes with it. This anatomy series uses advanced 3D CGI complete human anatomy models for an in depth tour and detailed visual...

  • Gravity Body Academy Structural Integration School

    37 videos  |   Buy $999

    Gravity Body Structural Academy is proud to offer a complete online education to those that want a more modern experience. A prerequisite to the Gravity Body Academy (GBA) is completion of the 3-part series Anatomy and Physiology or an equivalent source. Christa and Gerald Clark demonstrate the...